Let’s talk about the school I (used to) go to.
It’s an Italian public school which means it’s state run and free, not a private school.
Unlike England where private schools are the go-to for good education and bankruptcy, in Italy private schools are the bribable schools, exclusive to morons with rich parents.
And as the best schools end up being the public ones, and not all of them are great, someone has to decide who gets a great education and who gets a less great education.
And that my dears is done by ‘Natural Selection’.
Meaning the best schools have the highest expectations, lowest grades and highest drop out rates.
So as the privileged snowflake I am, when my time came to decide which school to attend I choose the hardest I could possibly find;
Liceo Ginnasio Torquato Tasso is a “Classico” so it teaches classics (Latin, Ancient Greek and Philosophy) with a strong and deeply rooted disregard for the mental health of its students.
Here are the official classifications of the most infernal schools in Rome in 2019 and for the last two years: